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martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Pedra en Sec: Son Amer– Pollença

Set off from the Son Amer state buildings in a southerly direction; near the car park, you will come to a path that runs parallel to the road for a short stretch and then crosses it. Next, you find yourself walking along a forest trail, which you turn off after a while to take a path that appears on your left and takes you to s’Ermita. Alongside, a water channel indicates the way to the Font de s’Ermita.

On reaching a track that has lawful access for motor vehicles, go up a steeply sloping stretch to Coll Pelat, not, however, without having paused at theMirador des Foment viewing point, to enjoy the view over the Menut olive groves and the surrounding mountains. A few hundred metres after the Pelat pass, you turn off the forest trail and take a path to the left to get to Coll des Bosc Gran and the Pedregaret spring. After that, a metalled lane takes one to Binifaldó, from where, keeping to the right, you continue on the Old Road to Lluc.

A gentle slope in the path takes you to the centuries old holm oak known as l’alzina d’en Pere, and then to a gate that marks the boundary between the publicly owned estate and the Muntanya estate. Once on the lands of this possessió, what remains of the Royal Path will enable you to reach theMuntanya spring. Soon after that, return to the Old Road, on which you carry on until you get to a turning off to the right onto a narrow path that leads off through a thick holm oak wood.

When you get to a small gateway that marks the boundary between the municipalities of Escorca and Pollença, you start your descent towards the Vall d’en Marc. In the valley you rejoin the Old Road.

Go past the estate buildings of Son Marc on your left, and continue until you reach the main road from Lluc to Pollença, at a point where the verdant Son Grua pine tree stands. Your route now runs almost parallel to the road and near a mountain stream bed at all times, though you do not need to cross this. In the vicinity of the buildings at Can Serra, turn to the left and return to the road. Walk along the hard shoulder, taking great care as there can be a lot of traffic, until after passing the buildings at Can Pontico, you turn off onto
a made up lane on your right: go straight on along this, ignoring a path to the right that leads to Fartàritx.

Shortly you will cross the stream bed at the Pas d’en Barqueta and you then continue along the south bank of the stream until you reach the town of Pollença, on your way to the old abattoir, now converted into the refuge called "Pont Romà" after the Roman Bridge nearby.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Domingo de ramos

9:00 Misa en la Cartuja

10:30 En la Cartuja: bendición de Ramos y Procesión hacia San Bartolomé

A continuación Misa en San Bartolomé

Lunes Santo

9:30 Misa en San Bartolomé

17:30 Vía Crucis infantil en San Bartolomé.

21:00 Visa Crucis. De San Bartolomé a la Cartuja.

Con este Vía Crucis se puede ganar indulgencia plenaria.

Jueves Santo

19:30 Misa en San Bartolomé, y reserva del Santísimo en el Monumento. A continuación Procesión del Santo Cristo desde San Bartolomé hacia la Cartuja y regreso. 22:00 Hora Santa ante el Monumento en el Capilla del Santísimo de San Bartolomé.

Viernes Santo

Día de ayuno y abstinencia

La iglesia de San Bartolomé permanecerá abierta de 9:30 a 15:30, y de 17:00 hasta después del Oficio, para que los fieles puedan rezar ante el Monumento Eucarístico. También se puede optar por visitar el Santísimo en su capilla de la Cartuja en horario de visita turística (de 9:30-18:00)

19:30 Oficio en San Bartolomé. A continuación, Procesión del Entierro, desde San Bartolomé hasta la Cartuja.

Sábado Santo

21:30 Solemne Vigilia Pascual en San Bartolomé.

Domingo de Pascua

9:00 Misa en la Cartuja

10:30 Procesión del Encuentro. Salida desde la Cartuja y desde San Bartolomé. A continuación Misa Solemne en San Bartolomé.

19:30 Misa en San Bartolomé.